Happy 4th Birthday

Enjoyed cake and party with friends at daycare.

First few books

Enjoyed reading at a very early age.

Supposedly Iron Man

So cute! The background and setting are just toppings.

Feeding the seagulls

Picnic with Harbour Bridge in the background

First real bed with wheels

The best Christmas present ever!!

24 November 2008

First Time

...bus ride and go shopping without Daddy.

I was really itching to go out yesterday to where ever but Mcj had something important to do at home. I don’t want to be stuck at home so after doing some housework, I packed up Jens’ stuff and set to hit the shops.

We’ve never done it before but I have researched on how we can get to the shop. Take the bus. Mcj volunteered to pick-up us when we’re ready to go home. We just have to worry how to get there. Jens and I hiked up to the end of the road and waited for the bus. There was no bus stop but we can just hail the driver. On weekends, there are buses every 30 minutes.

We waited for about 15 or so minutes. Jens was so amazed with all the vehicles that come and go while we were on the side of the street. As a first time to ride a bus, it got into him. He was cuddling me real tight and a bit whiney but not too bad that was not remedied by pointing things to him.

I didn’t take the pram with us – as it is almost as heavy as Jens. We used a shopping trolley instead and it was very handy. I brought a big cushiony blanket for when Jens goes to sleep and he did. It was fun shopping with him as he wants to climb on every rack and touch every item.

Mummy was able to shop around really good when he went to sleep. I bought a bag for myself, Jens’ bag, a pair of thongs, a wallet, 2 pants, good quality umbrella, and some stuff for the house (no notebook computer). Mind you, I was able to fit the pants. The sales attendant allowed us to use the disable fitting room because Jens had a bit of a whinge when he can’t see me so he went in with me. Isn’t that a pip?

22 November 2008

Chomp, chomp

Jens loves to eat. Anything will do. He wants to eat every time someone’s eating. And, I am really doing my best to give him variety. But you can only offer him too much.

He can eat adult food now but as much as possible, I cook him a separate meal because I don’t want to expose him to salt and other spices that we are using for our food. We could change the taste of our food but well, we also want to eat appetising meals.

I’ve been searching the net, thanks to it, and found some. And they really help.

But if all else are not possible, he can always settle to fruit. My mother-in-law said, I’m turning him into a fruitarian especially on weekends that there’s fruit in the fridge that needs using. He’ll have fruit all day. And I really want him to love fruit that it will be part of his diet until whenever.

One thing that I want to do is go to a shop that specialises on kids foods. Is there something like that? I think, shopping for Sony Vaio is easier than finding that type of store.

18 November 2008

Recent Snaps

I'm a fastfood junkie.

Jens loves the cubby house


That’s Bubby talk for tissue. As far as my memory can tell me, this is the first word that has more that one syllable that Jens was able to say the word. He blabbers and talks gibberish for months now but mostly monosyllabic words. Then, out of the blue, he pointed to a box of tissue beside his car seat and said, TITSSUE. Boy, I’m so happy! You see, tissue is not a common word. But, I guess it retained in his mind because we’re constantly using it to wipe his face, cleaning up his mess, etc. We have more or less 5 opened boxes of tissues all over the house. It pays to be ready when emergency comes.

He can say these words now:

Dah – Daddy
Mama – Mummy
Ta – His first ever good manner. He says this when you give him something and would tell you to say it when he gives you something, also.
Mo – more
Mo mo – no more
Moon - (sometimes it sound like moo)
Star - coupled with peter pointer finger to the star up in the sky or to a picture
Soes – that’s for shoes. Right after he woke up, he would want me or his Dah to put his shoes on.
Cat or Cky – short for Lucky.
NO – with vigorous shaking of the head.
Ba - bath
Sssa – outside
Bo - boat
da - duck
and more...

It’s funny how Mums can understand words or non-words at all that babies say and make out anything from it.

Though, I’m tired from work when I get home sometimes (it feels like I have one of those who have jobs in retail – standing all day), I perked-up seeing Dah and Bub at the train station waiting for me with big smiles on their faces.

10 November 2008

First Plane Ticket

The Tatapilla's first plane ticket. I just hope he's excited about our upcoming holiday. Or does he now knows what excited means? :)

In the Night Garden

We teach him young, to be fanatic, that is. In a nice way, of course. Well, that’s how we see it.
It just used to be watching television baby or kids show in the morning when we want to do it. I use not to like that program because the names of the characters are so out of this world – no meaning, long and I thought they are not easy to have off pat for a young mind. But the jingles are catchy and the characters are funny. They don’t talk much. Somebody narrates in the entire show.

Soon, it became a morning ritual. It had been a part of our schedule. And when our schedule got so busy, we recorded it so The Tatapilla can watch it anytime he wants. He doesn’t mind watching the same episode over and over again.

Then, Daddy and Mummy found themselves looking for a CD/DVD at the shops. When Daddy saw one Mum gave her kid a stuffed character for the kid’s birthday, it was added to the family’s shopping list. It wasn’t in the purpose for going shopping but the family found themselves in the toy section brainstorming which character of the show they’re going to buy.
We’ve have just bought a whole set of summer clothes for the Little Boy two weeks ago but seeing the jammies set with the "In the night garden" characters, the attraction was so strong to ignore. We bought a pair.

Now, The Tatapilla loves Iggle Piggle. He gave the toy cuddles. It is not his favourite toy, his bike is but he gets big giggles and smiles when Iggle Piggle makes sounds when pressed on the belly which isn’t as big as The Tatapilla’s (doesn’t need diet supplement at all).

Weekend Treats

“It’s funny how some things don’t work.”

“It’s funny when it does.”

I love this conversation between Lorlene and Melanie in the movie, Sweet Home Alabama. I really love this movie. I’ve seen it for the nth times and I still feel the same intensity of emotion from the first time is saw it. It tugs my heart just thinking about it. Funny thing is, I can’t explain what it is.

I also love watching Two Weeks Notice. Most people that I know (well, those who are willing to give their opinions) don’t like Hugh Grant. I feel the same way sometimes. It seems to me he’s on top of his roles. But in this movie, I like him.. and then there’s Notting Hill, About a Boy, etc. That’s the woman talking who doesn’t like Hugh. I love Hugh. Jackman.

You’ve Got Mail. Old movie. Could bore you. Terrific actors. Light. Casual. Feel good. We love this.

The Devil Wears Prada. Love the dresses, the shoes, the actors. I like the ending.

That’s it for now. I can’t remember some of my collections. But I love watching them even if we don’t have tv lifts.