Happy 4th Birthday

Enjoyed cake and party with friends at daycare.

First few books

Enjoyed reading at a very early age.

Supposedly Iron Man

So cute! The background and setting are just toppings.

Feeding the seagulls

Picnic with Harbour Bridge in the background

First real bed with wheels

The best Christmas present ever!!

29 May 2010

Crazy Frog

The TAtapilla when asked what they did at school, he always talks about the Crazy Frog song. I wonder if they show video such as this at school. I'm not really sure if they are appropriate for his age. I have to talk to his teachers.

But sure, this one is funny. Crazy Frog in FIFA world cup. Lol. As one of the comments to the video, Freddie Mercury must be rolling in his grave.

So much for that, I want to check more on eczema as I know some people with this skin problem.



Mcj and I talked last month that we should start looking for school for The Tatapilla. For what level, I was not sure. So I rang up the day care centre and asked up to what level do they cater. I might have caused some distress to the Director as she was so intent to making me understand that they cater up to 5 years old - meaning up to pre-prep. I just thought that there's another centre behind the building, they might be catering a different system but she readily assured me that they are using the same curriculum.

So now, the worry is the school for The Tatapilla in his pre-school. I have to shop around. I have been convinced to send to a public school so we don't really have to burn our guts out (like doing more alli reviews assignments) for the mean time.

I'm relieved. But there's more worry to come or something to really mull over.

The Wiggles and Kylie

I never thought Kylie would be involve in the Wiggles Show or any program. I suppose, anything that will entice the Australians. Aussies, as I noticed are very loyal to the people they deemed important to the country so they will possibly buy the DVD with Kylie. Plus I think, the fact that the Locomotion was a big hit, it all add up.

Kylie was a bit young here and slimmer. Might have read the enzyte review and found it useful.

Far From It

You Are Poetic

You see beauty, colors, and inspiration where other people see nothing.

You are a gentle and sensitive soul that craves love and understanding.

You take pride in your interesting ideas, and you feel wounded if others challenge you too fiercely. You feel most comfortable in places where you know everyone. It's likely you are still in touch with your childhood friends.

I don't believe I am but I thrive to be one at times. The last bit on being in touch with my childhood friends is no where near the mark. I am not. I have lost touch. It seems I have gone out of the sphere where we all used to exist. I have grown-up to quick and so big that I can't go back there anymore. It's ashame and I want to rectify it but I found new friends and I love them all. Sounds like apt for funeral planning but true. Just getting mushy, eh?



mommy moments

Certainly, motherhood is one of the gift that I didn't think over if I'm ready or not (but I did take heaps of prenatal vitamins). I didn't mull over if I am capable or not. I believe I didn't have any training as I wasn't a hands-on aunt then. But I just know that I want to become one long before I got a boyfriend. I felt, it was embedded in me. And I'm happy that it might be a challenge but one worth taking risk. I'm really blessed that The Tatapilla is one happy Bub. No hassles at all. And certainly, with the help of Mcj, everything goes smooth.


Shopping Time

Today we went to the shop. Had nothing to do as it is really a dull and rainy day. We went to buy some footwear and of course clothes for me. Lol. It’s always for me, eh. Oh well, it’s one of my joys in my life.

And one of The Tatapilla’s joys in life. Lollies. We passed it at the shops and he noticed. Well, I want to shop without much hassles, so I bought him some and some for myself - American brands. I don’t worry about beefing up – I’m actually wanting to beef up so reading nuphedragen review is just for information only.


Little Conversations

While driving with The Tatapilla in the backseat, the light turned yellow and I was in doubt if I’m going to stop or beat the red light. I decided to halt so it came as a big jolt. The Tatapilla shouted from the back seat “don’t do it, Mum”.
I was feeling a little bit queasy on the tummy that I thought I’ll have roasted peanuts in shell. The Tatapilla really likes it. I offered a pea to him and he said, “No, Mum you can have it because you are sick”. Awwww.

It’s getting colder at night now so we’re starting to don our winter jammies. I own a near new pair that The Tatapilla might not remember me wearing them last season. I put them on last night and he said, “Oh nice. They’re really nice mum.” After a few minutes, he told me “Thank you Mum for buying it for you”. What can I say? I have a very courteous kiddo.

He woke up this morning wanting some breakfast. He tried to wake me up to get him some breakfast and after few failed tries (I’m a naughty Mum, I wanted to sleep in), he started to gave me ultimatum. He counted, One-two-three-four-five, now do it. Lol. To no effect of course.

I can go on and on but of course, I have to do some research on swimming pool supplies. It’s just winter here but who knows when I would need the info anyway.


22 May 2010

MM - Mummy Day 2010

mommy moments

This year's Mummy day took us to the markets where Jens had a blast. He gave me a flower and woke me up with hugs and kisses. One of my mother's day presents was a big bike for him. And I'm the happiest Mum in the world. :)

15 May 2010

About Education

We are excited parents. The Tatapilla isn't three yet and we are already discussing about schools for him. Well, I just want to be prepared for this stuff. I'm sure every parents are like me. They want the best for their kid plus, I also don't want to put too much hole in our pockets.

We have already agreed that The Tatapilla will go to state school. We can talk about school again for his prep to Uni. Basically, this is the age and school category here:
Pre-school / Kindergarten: 4-5 year olds
Kindergarten / Preparatory / Pre-Primary / Reception / Transition (ACT and NSW / QLD, TAS and VIC / WA / SA / NT): 5-6 year olds
Year 1: 6-7 year olds
Year 2: 7-8 year olds
Year 3: 8-9 year olds
Year 4: 9-10 year olds
Year 5: 10-11 year olds
Year 6: 11-12 year olds
Year 7: 12-13 year olds (QLD, SA, WA)
Year 7: 12-13 year olds (ACT, NSW, TAS,VIC) (Middle School NT)
Year 8: 13-14 year olds
Year 9: 14-15 year olds
Year 10: 15-16 year olds (High School NT)
Year 11: 16-17 year olds
Year 12: 17-19 year olds

After that, they decide if they want to go to Uni or just take up some apprenticeship. We'll worry about that later too. We just want to be the supportive parents, encouraging him to aspire for something. And if he decides to take up some law program and lsat prep courses, there are always enough schools that cater that or online institution is also a good option. In anycase, preparing for something is like being halfway there.

Family Project

We opened The Tatapilla's bank account two months ago using the proceeds of cola cans we sold at the junk shops and we already made 2 deposits. One was the content of his piggy bank which he was maintaining for a year. It has a quite amount of money that surprised us. The second was from his weekly pocket money (just for the purpose of his bank account).

Now, Daddy is inspired more than ever to gather all the stuff that he reckon he can sell at the junk shop, like copper. He scrubed the old water heating system. He peeled the cover of the copper overhead wire. He told his friends to keep their cola and beer cans at their house and he picks it up some weekends. We are on a roll, I mean he is on a roll.

We don't have specifi goal in mind for doing this (like maybe buying a Duramax Garden Sheds). Our main purpose is to instill in The Tatapilla's mind to invest any small money that he has. I hope we'll get our message across and at the same time save some money for him until he's at the right age to think what he really wants - maybe a car? Who knows.


12 May 2010

Five Birds

I am not really proud of this photo as I really think birds should be free. But I suppose, because they are so pretty, they need somebody to take care of them (somebody that won't give them apidexin). I took this photo at the markets last weekend. The stall owner is always there every week and they have different birds all the time.

This is Me

Mcj would agree to this. Lol.

You Are a Crocodile

You are fierce and strong. You go after any prey that is in your sights. You have a take charge personality, and you are quite dominant. You are not easily intimidated. It's likely that you've had to struggle for survival in your life. You've had to develop a very thick skin. You can be brutal, but you can also be tender. You tend to have two sides to your personality.

It has a bit of truth to it, I may admit. Well, I would think really that I am a Kangaroo or Koala... oh well, I can't be the best of everything, right? Be thankful, I don't use fat burner for the moment.

Happiness Is

The Wiggles are really getting good money from us (that is of course if the company that uses their logo is paying royalty). Wherever we go and if there’s any toy or rides or anything that has something to do with The Wiggles, The Tatapilla has to take part in that or we have to at least touch the toy.

Last Saturday, we went to the shops and we lost Mcj. Ironic isn’t it? We were planning to go to the other end of the shops and that’s what Mcj was thinking. The Tatapilla was free to roam on his own and decided to go to the opposite direction where the big red car is situated. I have to follow him – people was staring at him thinking that he might be lost as he was walking on his own so Mcj didn’t know where we were going. He went back to the car. I paged him but he didn’t hear it as obviously he was outside of the mall. Thanks to mobile phones we were able to communicate where to meet each other. The Tatapilla didn’t end up having a ride with the big red car but with Thomas instead.

We were at the markets on Sunday. We’ve been there before and the sideshow alley was there but The Tatapilla wasn’t interested. This time though, there’s The Wiggles big red car in the merry go round. We can’t stop the hurricane. We paid 3.50 bucks but I think it was all worth it as the ride went on and on for about 20 times or so (where as at the shops you only get less than 10 rounds).
We bought him a remote controlled Bob The Builder loader and hard hat. We’re hoping that he will shift some of his attention to it but this morning, facing the toy he said he want to watch The Wiggles and play at the same time – he’s thinking of multi-tasking at a young age, maybe he’ll be different from the rest of the pack (can surf the net and at the same time read some wrinkle cream reviews, maybe).


New Toy

We went to deposit Jens money to his account last Saturday – all the three of us. Since we were at the shops already, we decided to shop for mother’s day present for MIL and for me of course. All of a sudden, Mcj decided to buy The Tatapilla a bike. I was so against it because he already has a trike at home that he can’t even reach the pedal. Mcj coaxed him to show to me that he can pedal the bike so I will buy it. Eventually, I did. What can I do? Mcj said, it’s my mother’s day present. Something that will amuse The Tatapilla for hours so I will have time for myself or for anything that I want to do. Bribery, it’s what I call it. We also bought him a helmet (not a disability insurance) – for safety and cool appearance. Lol.