11 January 2007

Big Mosquito: Another One Down

Yesterday, Jens had his BCG (Tuberculosis) vaccine. Normally, it isn't listed in the red book (baby's health book) as necessary vaccine for all babies. But since, I came from Asian country where according to them, TB is common, my Bub should have the shot so he has defence against the disease.

Actually, we didn't have an idea about BCG. We went to Princess Alexandra hospital two months ago to have my lung x-ray there for visa apps. One of the receptionists was a Filipina and while I was in for the x-ray she played with Bub and talked to MCJ and eventually told us to have Jens get BCG shots.

Supposedly, the midwives in the hospital where my baby was born will be the one to inform the Tuberculosis Control Center (or the like) that my baby needs the shot and I will just be informed of the date when will it happen. Apparently, the midwives at the hospital didn't seem to know that I am Asian. Lolz. I did the coordination myself.

The shot should be given before the baby turns 6 months so it should just be in one dose, otherwise, it will be three doses. I've coordinated this stuff late because I want the timing to be right as Jens has vaccines every 2 months that causes fever and pain to him. I don't want them to be overlapping each other and let my Bub suffer. But actually, as things caught up, Jens will have three more vaccines on Monday - vaccines that surely hurt because they go to the muscles. Thankfully, BCG is just skin-deep but will have scar and will heal for up to 12 weeks.