13 November 2007

The Big Needles

I dread the day that Ian will have his shots from the many that's lining up. First, I can't look at him getting pricked and yelping after. Then the most, running a temperature and feeling the pain of the shots. As a Mum, you can't help to feel sorry for your child plus the fact that you have limited ways on how to help lessen the pain - it really twists my heart.

Yesterday, Ian had his second dose of four vaccines (can't remember what are they). The experience was a tad better than two months ago. Yesterday, we were able to do some shopping after the visit to the GP. I gave him paracetamol after his feed then he went to sleep. He just started to whine when I was feeding him again after he woke up. But the whinging didn't last long. The family just went for a walk and then I feed him again soon after. Then he was all smiles again. I gave him another dose of paracetamol before going to sleep as he's running a temperature. We cooled him down - tapping wet cloth on his head. He had his usual night sleep but Mummy didn't.

I was sleeping like a chicken, noticing every sound he and MCJ made. I was not worried but I just wanna be awake incase he made any noise of uncomfort. Good heavens, he didn't. Still I didn't get to sleep until the wee hours in the morning.

I took his temperature this morning and it was 39 degree celcius - I know it's too high so we cooled him down again, stripped his pjs.

So far, the whinging is just the usual and his fever had gone down.