06 January 2008

Little Stuff for Bub

We got a cash voucher when we bought the baby car seat before New Year so before it expired, we spent it. I have come to be a little wiser when it comes to shopping (but still an impulsive one).

It wasn't that much so we just planned on getting a duckie for Jens to play in his bath. Yet, when we get there, they don't have any so we decided to pick up some learning materials. We can't find books apt for his age or so, so we decided to get these flash cards (as if they're suitable for him, not!).

I thought they will be fun to use to teach him but apparently, he's not as interested as in the books when we were reading. Maybe because he can't hold it.

Then we went to another shop to look for a duck. We found one in our pre-christmas shopping so we thought it would still be there. Yes, indeed and it was a duckie family in one pack. Before we found the ducks, MCJ and Jens saw a unicorn. I don't want to buy it because it is fluffy and not good for him, but he had been sucking the tag and it would be a little naughty if you put it back, so we got it too.

All these toys were not really enjoyed the way they should be rather they were all eaten alive. Lol. Jens can perfectly fit the head of the baby duck in his mouth. He eats them even during his bath.