19 October 2009

Biggest Disaster So Far

Two weekends ago, we had the biggest disaster concerning Jens since he was born.

He got into one of the cupboards where his Nans kept her daily medication for blood pressure and blood thinning. The container wasn’t childproof and the colour is pink which makes it more attractive to him. He might have thought, they were lollies. I found him shaking the bottle and the tablets all over the floor. He had some residue on his mouth and smeared some on his face.

I panicked and screamed. I washed his mouth right away.

We called the Poison Information Centre and was advised to take Jens to the hospital in the next 24 hours as the effect of the poison won’t be felt or seen for another three days. The hospital can give him something to counteract the effect.

With our heart pumping so fast, we dashed to the hospital right away. Jens was his usual self. You can’t fault him really. He’s just such an angel.

At the hospital emergency, Jens went through some physical checkup. The doctor on duty, initially told us that they can’t do anything as of that hour. True to what the Poison Info Centre said, there’s nothing to be done yet. He has to see the GP in three days time and get blood test done.

We waited for the referral and the doctor came back to tell us that after a thorough reading of the poison information they have, they can give Jens vitamin K and no need to see the GP anymore. We were relieved when told that the possibility of Jens ingesting the amount of the tablet that will give him an adverse effect is quite low as he doesn’t chew medications at all. Plus, the tablet taste awful that I doubt, he could have swallowed what he chewed.

We left the hospital happy and dandy – armed with every possible lesson learned plus not using our Medicare supplement insurance.
