29 May 2010


mommy moments

Certainly, motherhood is one of the gift that I didn't think over if I'm ready or not (but I did take heaps of prenatal vitamins). I didn't mull over if I am capable or not. I believe I didn't have any training as I wasn't a hands-on aunt then. But I just know that I want to become one long before I got a boyfriend. I felt, it was embedded in me. And I'm happy that it might be a challenge but one worth taking risk. I'm really blessed that The Tatapilla is one happy Bub. No hassles at all. And certainly, with the help of Mcj, everything goes smooth.



kimmyschemy said...

motherhood is truly a blessing and you indeed are a blessed one. enjoy being a mom!

Chris said...

what a blessing! God bless you and your family!