Today, the Tatapilla started on a new school. Still kindy or should I say pre-prep but a little bit different from the previous. We don't have any complaints on the previous, as a matter of fact, we will recommend it to anybody. The reason for the move is because of our moving to the area permanently. This is the 3rd school that he has been on. Hopefully, this is the last until he gets to prep. One big plus on this shift is the distance from home. Imagine taking you kid to school for just 2 minutes from your home? We can walk if the weather is nice or the Tatapilla can ride his bike.
The big consideration for shifting kindy is the kind of school and how is it run. He's moved before but it was so short and not so sweet. We want the best for our kid in preparation for his future ( which could involve
Obstetrician & Gynecologist Jobs - it doesn't really matter). Plus, we want him to be happy. At the end of the day, that's the biggest factor.
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