10 April 2008


Mcj is not that busy at work these days so Jens and I were able to join playgroup for the first time. I wanted to when he was about four months but Mcj could not get time off work to drop us off the meeting place and pick us up again after two hours.

The group that we joined in meet every Tuesday from 9-11AM at the community park. When I rang up the coordinator who was on holiday, she told me that she might not able to attend but still we can come so we did.

There were only four mums, including me, who turned up. The park as a meeting place is really good as our kids were able to play. It wasn't really a structured playgroup. One mum said, it is a very informal group, which I quite like as the schedule would be flexible for busy mums.

Jens had fun. He played on the swing, on the rocking animals and the slide. I was surprised as he knew how to rock himself and made the swing move. He made friends with the Mums and kids. He wore his cute and dimply smiles almost all the time.
We are looking forward to our next playgroup.