04 July 2008

Baby Bear

We've been shopping for clothes recently and we (particularly I) found a good place to shop.

We were supposed to go to the direct factory outlet to check if the prices of things are cheaper than in the local shops. Mcj instead brought me to the original DFO. And the prices were much lower - and they are branded clothes. Problem was it's too hard to find clothes that fit me perfectly - not that they are just stocking up plus size clothing. I just don't qualify for clothes for women. And the girls stuff are too girlie for a Mummy like me. But then, I had my fix.

Of course, we just didn't shop for Mummy. The Tatapilla had his pamperings. These are one of them.
Instead of buying a sleeping bag, we bought this sleeping suit. He doesn't like the bag because he can't get around with it. This cuddly thing is really nice to have for winter.


Eliot said...

Eeek! So cute. ^^;

Ah yeah, I think you haven't linked me yet. ^^;