04 July 2010


In our family, we don't like routine and serving the same everyday - like cereal in the morning. I'm not a cereal person so is Mcj. The Tatapilla have his cereal at least 3 times a week. But sometimes, its hard to determine how much food a toddler can have.

Here are some tips from raising children network.
Children over the age of four need to eat a variety of nutritious foods, in the right proportions. They should also eat items from each of these five food groups on a daily basis — unless they have a food allergy. Foods high in unsaturated fat or sugar should be eaten only occasionally and in small amounts.

Daily recommended serves: 4-8 year olds should eat: fruit - 1-2 serves; vegetables -2-4 serves; dairy - 2-3 serves; bread and cereals and grains - 3-7 serves; meat - ½-1 serve; other foods - 0-2 serves. Variations in serving sizes reflect children's different body sizes and activity levels.

Drink plenty of water: Children over the age of 5 should drink five glasses (1 litre) of water a day. Fruit juice can sometimes be served as an alternative to water and can be diluted with water. Soft drinks should be avoided.

With The Tatapilla, I just give him healthy food as much as he likes - no strict guidelines at all. I believe that one knows how much food can he eat. Using hydroxycut isn't in our plan.