08 July 2012

Spider Man Phase

With the upcoming movie The Amazing Superman, the telly is inundated with spidey series and of course, the Tatapilla won't let them passed without seeing them. Actually, last night was a huge drama as there were lots of sports telecast going on and at the same time, spidey 2 was on. I told him that we are recording it but he said, you can't watch it over and over when you record it. You have to tape it. I told him that recording and taping are the same. At last he went to sleep not upset about it. And guess what? The moment he woke up, he was on it. Today, he went to the shops in his old spider man outfit and he got the looks from others of course - which he was so proud. With the hype, really going to art supply store is not on his priority these days. It's the crawling and jumping.